By Osai Ojigho
Global Advisory Council-IAWL

As a human rights activist and women's rights advocate, I believe that male allyship in the fight for women’s human rights is a crucial component for achieving gender equality. Male allies play a critical role in ensuring that the voices of women are heard.
Male allies can do a lot in the fight for gender equality today by taking an active role in creating opportunities for women and girls in the spaces where they control.
Male allies can use their male privilege to provide a safe environment for women and girls to speak.
Male allies can ensure that other men and boys get an opportunity to address gender stereotypes that we all have against the ascension of women in leadership, in political life, public and social life.
Male allies can do a lot more to fight against gender-based violence by speaking up against it, by ensuring that the voices of women, survivors, and victims are heard; by pushing for accountability and justice regardless of whoever is involved.
When we say women's rights are human rights it also means that men have to acknowledge and recognize the contributions and achievements of women and girls and ensure that they’re actually taking steps to eradicate this and to break down the barriers that limit and prevent women from achieving their full potential.
A male ally would only be a champion if they speak up, if they act, and if they ensure a safe environment for everyone especially women and girls.