Vera Duarte

Retired Judge, Supreme Court of Cape Verde.
Former Commissioner, African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights.
My Story, Your Inspiration
As the first woman Jurist and Attorney of the Republic in Cape Verde and the first woman to be elected Judge Counselor to the Supreme Court of Justice, I was able to work actively in achieving a legal-institutional framework that protects women's rights. In this sense, the Laws of marriage, endowing both spouses with equal status, abolishing discrimination between legitimate and illegitimate children, or the law of voluntary termination of pregnancy, which removes women from the need to have abortions illegally that are harmful to her health. Today the Cape Verdean judiciary, both Judicial and Public Prosecutors, is practically equal. I therefore urge all women jurists to fight relentlessly against crimes against women such as sexual abuse, gender-based violence, femicide and other forms of attacks on the dignity of women.