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Gender Equality in Law Alliance

About the Alliance

The Gender Equality in Law Campaign (GELC) Alliance is a solidarity group comprising law societies, bar associations, judicial bodies, women’s rights organizations, regional and international organizations, think tanks and advocacy groups united and committed to supporting the GELC and advancing the voice of women in law and leadership. 


Participating in IAWL's initiatives to increase awareness of the obstacles women encounter in the legal field reflects a commitment to promoting gender justice and equality. Additionally, the Alliance supports the attainment of UN Sustainable Development Goals #5 (Gender Equality) and #16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), along with the African Union Agenda 2063 goal #17 (Gender Equality).


As a member of the GELC Alliance, your organization will have the opportunity to contribute to the campaign's success in various ways.

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Why join the alliance

Join IAWL's endeavors to raise awareness about the challenges women encounter in the legal profession. Alliance members can engage in the campaign at one of three levels.



Alliance members will share and promote materials on the campaign among their networks. This includes email marketing and social media platforms, which will help to reach a broader audience and amplify the campaign message.


Join as a law firm


Join as an organization

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Law Firms

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10+ members have joined the alliance

Organizations championing the cause

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