Pioneering research on women in law across Africa and the Diaspora
Publications on Gender
and Judging
Enibokun Uzebu-Imarhiagbe (2020) Women in the Nigerian judiciary: considerable headway or organised progress?, International Journal of the Legal Profession, DOI: 10.1080/09695958.2020.1750410
Elsje, Bonthuys.Gender and Race in South African Judicial Appointment
Masengu, Tabeth.Standing on the Side-lines clapping; Women and Zambia’s Constitutional Process in Jaap de Visser and Nico Stelyer (eds) Constitution Building in Africa (2015), 48.
Masengu, Tabeth. The Judicial Service Commission and the appointment of Women: more to it than meets the eye’ International Journal of the Legal Profession, May 2019.
Masengu, Tabeth.The Vulnerability of Judges in Contemporary Africa: Alarming Trends (2017) 63, 4 Africa Today, 3.
Masengu, Tabeth.Transformation in the Judiciary’, 8 January 2013.
Masengu, Tabeth.Twenty-Three Years of Gender Transformation in the Constitutional Court of South Africa: Progress or Regression?
Masengu, Tabeth.‘Gender Transformation as a means of enhancing perceptions of impartiality on the bench’ (2016) 133, 3 South African Law Journal, 475.
Masengu, Tabeth.‘A Perspective on Women and Leadership in the South African Judiciary’ (2015) 3 South African Journal of Human Rights, 655.
Masengu, Tabeth.‘Is the appointment of Acting Judges Transparent? De Rebus the SA Attorneys Journal,’ (2015) co-authored with Alison Tilley.
Masengu, Tabeth.‘Courting Controversy: Is judicial activism the only way to tackle gender inequality in Southern Africa?’ OSISA Journal (2012).
Winifred Kamau. Women judges and magistrates in Kenya: Challenges, opportunities and contributions.
Albertyn, Cathi. Bonthuys, Elsje. (2018).South Africa: a Transformative Constitution and a Representative Judiciary. In Dawuni, J., Bauer,G._ (eds.) - Gender and the Judiciary in Africa: From Obscurity to Parity? New York: Routledge
Andam, Kuukuwa. Dei-Tutu, Sena. (2018). Sophia Akuffo: Balancing the Equities. In Dawuni, J., Kuenyehia, A. _ (eds.) - International Courts and the African Woman Judge: Unveiled Narratives. New York: Routledge
Badejogbin, Rebecca. (2018). Elsie Nwanwuri Thompson: The Trajectory of a Noble Passion. In Dawuni, J., Kuenyehia, A. _ (eds.) - International Courts and the African Woman Judge: Unveiled Narratives. New York: Routledge
Bauer ,Gretchen .(2018). Gender and the Judiciary in Africa. In Dawuni, J., Bauer, G._(eds.)- Gender and the Judiciary in Africa: From Obscurity to Parity? New York:Routledge
Bauer, Gretchen. Ellet, Rachel. (2018). Botswana: Delayed Indigenization and Feminization of the Judiciary. In Dawuni, J., Bauer, G._ (eds.) - Gender and the Judiciary in Africa: From Obscurity to Parity? New York: Routledge
Dawuni, Josephine. (2018). Akua Kuenyehia: Leaving a Mark Along the Journey for Human Rights. In Dawuni, J., Kuenyehia, A. _ (eds.) - International Courts and the African Woman Judge: Unveiled Narratives. New York: Routledge
Dawuni, Josephine. (2018). Challenging Gender Universalism and Unveiling the Silenced Narratives of the African Woman Judge. In Dawuni, J., Kuenyehia, A. _ (eds.) - International Courts and the African Woman Judge: Unveiled Narratives. New York: Routledge
Dawuni, Josephine. (2018).Gender and the Judiciary in Africa-An Introduction. In Dawuni, J., Bauer, G._ (eds.) - Gender and the Judiciary in Africa: From Obscurity to Parity? New York: Routledge
Dawuni, Josephine. Kuenyehia, Akua. (2018). International Courts and The African Woman Judge: Unlocking Doors, Leaving a Legacy. In Dawuni, J., Kuenyehia, A. _ (eds.) - International Courts and the African Woman Judge: Unveiled Narratives. New York: Routledge
Dawuni, Josephine. (2018). Ghana: The Paradox of Judicial Stagnation. In Dawuni, J., Bauer, G._(eds.)- Gender and the Judiciary in Africa: From Obscurity to Parity? New York: Routledge
Dezalay, Sara.(2018). Fatoumata Dembele Diarra: Trajectory of A Malian Magistrate and Civil Society Advocate to the International Criminal Court. In Dawuni, J., Kuenyehia, A. _ (eds.)-International Courts and the African Woman Judge: Unveiled Narratives. New York: Routledge
Ellet, Rachel. (2018). Justina Kelello Mafoso-Guni: The Gendering of Judicial Appointment Processes in African Courts. In Dawuni, J., Kuenyehia, A. _ (eds.) - International Courts and the African Woman Judge: Unveiled Narratives. New York: Routledge
Grossman, Nienke. (2018). Julia Sebutinde: An Unbreakable Cloth. In Dawuni, J., Kuenyehia, A. _ (eds.) - International Courts and the African Woman Judge: Unveiled Narratives. New York: Routledge
Hamad, Mahmoud. (2018). Egypt: The Lingering Battle for Female Judgeship. In Dawuni, J., Bauer, G._ (eds.) - Gender and the Judiciary in Africa: From Obscurity to Parity? New York: Routledge
Ibrahim, Hauwa. (2018). Nigeria: Women Judges Enhancing the Judiciary. In Dawuni, J., Bauer, G._ (eds.) - Gender and the Judiciary in Africa: From Obscurity to Parity? New York: Routledge
Kamatali, Jean-Marie.(2018). Rwanda: Balancing Gender Quotas and an Independent Judiciary. In Dawuni, J., Bauer, G._(eds.)- Gender and the Judiciary in Africa: From Obscurity to Parity? New York: Routledge
Kang, Alice. (2018). Benin: Women Judges Promoting Women’s Rights.In Dawuni, J., Bauer, G._(eds.)- Gender and the Judiciary in Africa: From Obscurity to Parity? New York: Routledge
Klibi, Salsabil. (2018). Tunisia: A New Constitution and More Women Judges. In Dawuni, J., Bauer, G._ (eds.) - Gender and the Judiciary in Africa: From Obscurity to Parity? New York: Routledge
Mumba, Florence. (2018). Women Judges in International Courts and Tribunals-The Quest for Equal Opportunities: Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. In Dawuni, J., Kuenyehia, A._(eds.)-International Courts and the African Woman Judge: Unveiled Narratives. New York: Routledge
Yoon, Mi Yung. (2018). Tanzania: Women Judges as Agents of Judicial Education. In Dawuni, J., Bauer, G_ (eds.) - Gender and the Judiciary in Africa: From Obscurity to Parity? New York: Routledge
General Data
Report on Louisiana State Judges 1992-2017_Final Pdf
American Bar Association Diversity Speakers Bureau
Brennan Center for Justice
Cornell University Library Catalog
Diversity of the Federal Bench
Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures
Gender Studies Database Elton B.Stephens Company
Gender Watch
Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database
California State University Long Beach Library
International Rule of Law Directory
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
News Agency | Journalism & Communication for Global Change
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Our Work Cornell Center for Women, Justice, Economy, and Technology
Project Muse
The Women Stats Project
United Nations Commission for Europe
Women, Gender & the Law eJournal
Women as Levers of Change
Women’s Power Index
Women’s Studies Archive: Women’s Issues and Identities
Women’s Studies International Forum
World Bank Gender Data
World Bank Women, Business and the Law
World Policy Analysis Center
Bora Laskin Law Library
UN Women Data