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Introducing the IAWL Becoming a Partner Series


Becoming a partner in law practice is an aspirational target for many lawyers. The journey to partnership has proven to be laborious, sacrificial and one that requires a lot of grit and resilience. Traditionally, the legal profession has been deemed a male-dominated profession as it has a low representation of women lawyers – with even lower representation in positions of leadership.

The IAWL Becoming a Partner Project creates a space to converse with African women partners at law firms to learn about their journey to partnership. Through this series, we can learn why women, in general, are still significantly underrepresented in the more senior positions at law firms, and what we can do to alleviate this issue.

Watch the video series on our YouTube channel here:

Be sure to subscribe to the IAWL YouTube channel for the latest updates to this video series and much more video content in the works!

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