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Women judges and the journey to constitutionalism-Justice Yvonne Mokgoro.

The rule of law cannot be achieved without judicial independence and judicial integrity. Judicial independence is the number one principle for judicial conduct, as laid down by the Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct . The work of organizations such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Global Judicial Integrity Network , aim among other things, to protect the individual and institutional integrity of judges and judiciaries respectively. Across the continent of Africa, judges— both women and men, have been the subject of excessive executive powers, and some have paid the ultimate price of death, including Justice Cecilia Koranteng-Addow of Ghana . In this series, we explore the work of women judges who have stood up for judicial integrity, independence and impartiality. We present the three-part series featuring Justice Yvonne Mokgoro (Ret.) of the Constitutional Court of South Africa as she shares her journey with Judge Ann Claire Williams (Ret.). Amandla (power) to Justice Mokgoro!

Women judges and the journey to constitutionalism-Justice Yvonne Mokgoro.
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